Alison Jesson developed a philosophy to explore and connect with the world, while another reader found their treatment gruelling

Eighteen years ago, as a result of being diagnosed with breast cancer that had already spread to my lymph nodes, I decided I needed a philosophy about how to spend whatever time I had left (Like Deborah James, I confronted cancer wearing a great outfit and high heels, 21 May). I came up with these four words: explore, experience, create, connect.

Exploring is about being curious about the world through reading, discussing and travelling. Among other places, I’ve been able to travel to see the Niagara Falls and the Alhambra in Granada, Spain. I have experienced the wonders of a spring morning and the glow of a sunset. I’ve been to concerts in lovely venues. I’ve learned how to blow glass and make jewellery. I’ve enjoyed sausages on a family beach barbecue.

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