Now an MP myself, I see politicians and their staff who every day are subjected to an avalanche of hatred and intimidation

A year ago today the Labour party in Batley and Spen selected me to be its candidate in the byelection for my sister Jo Cox’s former constituency. Whether or not to stand was one of the hardest decisions I have ever made. There was a lot of discussion with my family and those closest to me. My sister had been murdered so we had to ask ourselves the question – would I be safe?

I decided to run because I wanted the best for the people who I live near, shop alongside, play sports with and whom I’ve worked with since Jo’s death to keep our community strong and united. I would never have asked for their trust at the ballot box if I thought that winning would cut me off behind a wall of security. Since I won I’ve managed to stay accessible while taking all the advice the police and parliamentary security team have offered me.

Kim Leadbeater is the Labour MP for Batley and Spen. Dispatches: MPs Under Threat airs at 7.30pm on Monday 23 May on Channel 4

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