Ukrainians fleeing war and the British families trying to help them face a bureaucratic nightmare under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, writes Kate Williams. Plus letters from Neal Ascherson, Stephen Tyrer and an anonymous refugee host

I felt great affinity with Rafael Behr’s article (‘Homes for Ukraine’ is just a slogan – as I found out by trying to welcome a refugee, 5 April). Another day has passed, and still no news on our visa application for a family in desperate need. My family are ready to give them safety and peace for as long as they need it. We have been ready since the day that we applied through the Homes for Ukraine scheme.

While the press and public remain stunned into paralysis by the shocking reports from Bucha, we must surely also continue to draw attention to the need for active, immediate help for current survivors. We must recognise that even those who have crossed the Ukrainian border have access to these press images – this is ongoing, real-time, cumulative trauma that requires real-time intervention.

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