A PAIR of mind-blowing optical illusions are tricking people’s eyes into seeing movement, even though they’re both stationary.

One shows a large ball shape appearing to shake – except it’s not a video or a GIF, so should be completely still.

It's moving even though it's completely still


It’s moving even though it’s completely stillCredit: Akiyoshi Kitaoka

Moving your head from side-to-side or scrolling the web page up and down deceives our eyes into thinking it’s shaking.

Visual illusion expert Akiyoshi Kitaoka shared the trick on Twitter to stunned users but warned it may make some people feel dizzy or sick.

One commenter said they “had to screenshot to believe it”.

“The human brain, the most complex known object in the universe, can’t tell if this f**king jpeg is pretending to be a gif,” another joked.

The effect is called an anomalous motion illusion.

Kitaoka also shared another wild illusion which instead appears to show a dark mist expanding.

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But once again, it’s a completely stationary image, so it’s not really changing at all.

This one is known as Fujiwara’s illusion.

One observer likened it to an “evil expanding blob of darkness” and said it’s “almost creepy” to look at.

Another noticed that it seems to expand when squinting your eyes.

Dark mist expands


Dark mist expandsCredit: Akiyoshi Kitaoka

If you’re into optical illusions be sure not to miss this one too, which reveals a colour your computer display is not able to show.

The colour is known as ‘true cyan’.

There is also a so-called ‘super-illusion’ that makes you see things that don’t exist.

The trippy animation appears to show a stickman climbing stairs and jumping, but your eyes are very much deceiving you.

Meanwhile, another of two elephants on a seesaw makes people hear a thud even though the video has no noise.

In other news, prudish Nasa has admitted it may have to study sex in space if humanity is ever going to make it to other planets.

An ancient mega-landslide deep under the ocean has been uncovered which could cause a massive tsunami with “just a little shake in the wrong place”.

Samsung has been accused of throttling the performance of more than 10,000 apps running on its latest smartphone.

And Nasa will let you send your name on a flight around the Moon – for FREE.

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This post first appeared on Thesun.co.uk

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