MOST people pay their council tax bill over 10 months instead of 12.

It means millions of Brits have a 60-day period where they don’t have to fork out.

Millions of Brits don't pay council tax for two months of the year


Millions of Brits don’t pay council tax for two months of the year

Which months do I not have to pay council tax?

If you pay in 10 monthly instalments, you can look forward to a council tax break in February and March.

However, it’s possible to spread your payments out across the whole year – meaning you’ll make smaller payments each month.

This can help with budgeting, but it does mean you won’t get the two council tax-free months.

If you need to split your payments over the year, you should contact your local council.

How can I get a council tax discount?

It’s worth checking whether you’re eligible for a council tax discount.

Some people can even get a full exemption, meaning they don’t have to pay any council tax at all.

For example, students don’t have to pay any council tax.

People living on their own get a 25% discount and some pensioners are completely exempt.

If you’re on a low income you could be entitled to a discount on your bill.

A 2021 investigation by The Sun revealed households could get thousands of pounds of council tax debt cancelled as local authorities look to clear record levels of arrears.

If you are struggling to pay, you should contact your council as soon as possible.

You can apply for a reduction through the Government website.

You’ll need to have your national insurance number, bank statements, a recent payslip or letter from the Jobcentre, and a passport or driving licence to hand.

If there are other adults in the household, you might need the same information for them too.


What does council tax go towards?

Council tax is a levy paid to your local authority to cover the cost of services in your area.

This includes rubbish collections, the upkeep of roads and libraries, as well as support for vulnerable children and adults, schools, and the local police and fire service.

The amount you pay depends on which council tax band your home falls under.

The rate of the tax varies across the country as it is set by the local council.

To work out how much your bill will be, you need to find the valuation band for your home.

You should then look up how much your local council charges for that band.

Some people are eligible for a council tax discount, which will reduce the total amount you have to pay.

This post first appeared on

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