BRITS who refuse to take up a job offer face having their benefits cut under a new drive to slash unemployment, a Cabinet minister warned today.

Work and Pensions Secretary Therese Coffey said people who turn down a post they’re “perfectly capable” of fulfilling will be hit with sanctions.

Work and Pensions Secretary Therese Coffey announced the new blitz today


Work and Pensions Secretary Therese Coffey announced the new blitz todayCredit: PA

She has today launched a new bid to get 500,000 more people into work as the UK’s economy looks to bounce back from the pandemic lockdowns.

The Government says there are now more than a million vacancies across Britain and many bosses are desperate for new staff.

Ministers want to persuade more people to take up jobs in sectors they haven’t worked in before to help fix the labour force shortage.

Under current rules benefits claimants can spend three months specifically trying to get a job that they have previous experience for.

But that time is now being slashed to just four weeks, after which time Brits will be expected to accept alternative offers of employment.

Ms Coffey said the Government is especially keen to get people into critical infrastructure jobs where there are current shortages.

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These include sectors like construction, social care, plus supply chain roles like warehousing and logistics.

Job Centre staff will be asked to “accelerate” the process of “match making” those seeking work with firms where they could be employed.

Ms Coffey said the change is especially urgently needed now because the economy is beginning to emerge from the pandemic.

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She said: “We’re conscious than a lot of restrictions are going right around the country.

“The economy is recovering thanks the rollout of vaccination and employers need those jobs.

“The accelerated process we’re doing will help people get into work. They’ll get more money in their pocket and improve their mental wellbeing.”

Brits will also be encouraged to take a new type of job even if they still have an eye to getting back into their old line of work.

She added: “It’s a much better easier to actually get a better job once you are working As in develop your career.”

If you choose not to get work then why should you get paid?

Work and Pensions Secretary Therese Coffey

Ms Coffey said ministers want to “support” the unemployed but warned there will be consequences for those who turn down work.

She said: “If you are offered a job and you turn it down, even though it’s a job you’re perfectly capable of doing, we are going to be saying a lot more we don’t think that’s appropriate.

“You’re receiving taxpayers’ money week in, week out to look for work, there’s a job there that you are perfectly capable of doing and we will continue to support you.

“If you choose not to get work then why should you get paid? It’s quite possible you’d be referred for sanction and as a consequence part of your benefits would be suspended.”

As part of a so-called ‘claimant commitment’ many Brits on Universal Credit already have to look for a job – or face sanctions.

Unemployment is still at record lows and there are around 1.2million jobs up for grabs – 59 per cent higher than before the pandemic.

Low income Brits are expected to be hit hardest with the rising cost of energy bills and taxes come April.

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Martin Lewis explains how to get free internet if you’re on Universal Credit

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