Fifteen questions on general knowledge and topical trivia plus a few jokes every Thursday – how will you fare?

And now, the end is near. Not of the Thursday quiz, but of 2021. It will be good to bid farewell to this cursed year, and to look forward to an equally dismal 12 months the way things seem to be going. Never mind. In the meantime, here are 15 questions to tease and entertain you. The quiz master is away and will not be able to join you in the comments today, but you will still have the challenge of a hidden Doctor Who reference, the saintly Kate Bush, the ever-popular anagrams, and the wrath of Ron from Sparks to face. Have fun – and have a happy new year!

The Thursday quiz, No 36

If you do think there has been an egregious error in one of the questions or answers, please feel free to email [email protected] but remember, the quiz master’s word is always final, and you wouldn’t want to be sent to bed early on New Year’s Eve.

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