LUCKY Brits who scooped millions in a jackpot have given a glimpse into how they spend their Christmas… and it’s VERY extravagant. 

Julie Amphlett and Sian Jones, who won a jaw-dropping £25M on EuroMillions, spilt the beans on how they splash their cash for the festive season.

Julie Amphlett and Sian Jones won their fortune in November 2017, but say that it hasn't influenced their Christmas too much


Julie Amphlett and Sian Jones won their fortune in November 2017, but say that it hasn’t influenced their Christmas too muchCredit:
The pair admitted to having a whopping six 7-foot tall trees indoors, and they even pay someone to decorate them


The pair admitted to having a whopping six 7-foot tall trees indoors, and they even pay someone to decorate them

The pair from winning work syndicate The Catering Girls won their fortune in November 2017 and said while they try to stay grounded, they do like to make the most of their good fortune at Christmas.

Sian admitted to having a whopping six 7-foot tall trees indoors, one in the hall, two in the living room, one in the dining room, one in the man cave and one in the kitchen.

She said: “We have two outside as well and a lady comes in and decorates the indoor ones for us, which is a bit of a luxury.”

Julie also confessed to a ‘growing’ number of Christmas trees, stating they have two inside and six 20-footers outside all year round, saying how busy they’ve been decorating them.

Despite bagging the jackpot they like to have their down-to-earth Christmas classics, splashing out on all the trimmings from Marks and Spencers.

Sian said: “We now have a Fortnum & Mason turkey delivered instead of queuing for one in Tesco!

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“We’ve had the Fortnum & Mason one before – it’s not that much different from normal but feels like a treat!”

Julie agreed: “We can have all the Marks & Spencers trimmings for our Christmas dinner, instead of picking out just a few – we are ‘The Catering Girls’ after all!”

However, a millionaire’s Christmas wouldn’t be the same without a little luxury gift, and this year Sian will be treating her new furry friend to just that.

She said: “Louis our Pomeranian is having a Louis Vuitton harness and lead this year. He’s been with us since earlier this year and this is his treat. A piece of Louis for Louis!”

Julie said that her family are very grounded after their win and that no one really wants anything at all for Christmas.

But she said: “The best gift we will be receiving this year is becoming grandparents.

“Our son Shaun and daughter-in-law Bethan are expecting our first grandchild in January and we are thrilled! We’re excited like children about it.”

Other winners, Fred and Lesley Higgins say they still have quite a pared-back Christmas, with just their nearest and dearest around them.

After they won £57.9M on EuroMillions in 2018, they said they now love the little luxuries, with the finest turkey and all the trimmings, and a couple of lavish gifts like a Patek Phillipe watch and a highly prized limited edition bottle of whisky.


On Christmas Day there’s a special £15M Lotto ‘Must Be Won’ jackpot up for grabs, which could end the year on a high for lucky winners.

In a ‘Must Be Won’ draw, the jackpot has to go so if no one matches the six main numbers, the prize will roll down to boost the other tiers, meaning lots of players could be celebrating finding a Lotto win under the tree.

If this wasn’t enough yuletide excitement, Friday’s Christmas Eve EuroMillions jackpot has rolled to a life-changing £58M.

Camelot’s Andy Carter, Senior Winners’ Advisor at The National Lottery, said, “This Christmas weekend promises to be one to remember for National Lottery players.

“With a whopping EuroMillions jackpot up for grabs and a Lotto jackpot that has to be won which could mean lots of players winning much more!”

Both draws will be done at 7:30 pm so make sure to get your tickets in before the deadlines to be in with a chance of winning.

If one UK winner scoops jackpot money would be no object around the Christmas table.

To celebrate the momentous occasion and make it a Christmas to remember, a lucky winner could splash out on some luxurious crackers, like the Missoma 18ct gold plated Christmas crackers at £145 for four.

However, these aren’t your usual crackers complete with paper hats and cheesy jokes, these contain a piece of 18ct gold plated jewellery in each cracker. 

If jewellery isn’t your thing, Harrods sell a set of six luxury crackers that contain a leather card holder and silk eye masks, to add a little extra luxury to your Christmas Day dinner.

What’s more, they’re currently half price at ‘only’ £475, down from £949.99.

Andy said: “My team and I have our fingers crossed for all UK players and are on standby to support all our big winners as they start their life-changing journey.

“Make sure you grab your EuroMillions and Lotto ticket early for a chance to celebrate Christmas as a newly-made millionaire and ring in 2022 in style!” 

Fred and Lesley Higgins say they still have quite a pared-back Christmas after winning £58 million in 2018


Fred and Lesley Higgins say they still have quite a pared-back Christmas after winning £58 million in 2018Credit:
I thought I’d only won £30 on Lotto Lucky Dip but ended up scooping £1Million… I told my wife while we watched our daughter in PANTO

This post first appeared on

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