Oracle’s deal to acquire Cerner is expected to be announced later Monday.

Photo: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Oracle Corp. ORCL -6.39% is expected to pay about $30 billion for electronic-medical-records company Cerner Corp. CERN 12.93% , according to people familiar with the matter.

The all-cash deal is expected to be announced later Monday and value Cerner at about $95 a share, one of the people said.

Should a deal come together, it would rank as the biggest ever for Oracle, which has a market value of around $260 billion. Its shares fell more than 6% Friday after The Wall Street Journal reported that a deal was imminent.

Oracle, a Silicon Valley veteran that last year moved its headquarters to Austin, Texas, is one of the biggest software providers to other companies and organizations.

Kansas City, Mo.-based Cerner designs software that hospitals and doctors use to store and analyze medical records and other healthcare data.

Write to Dana Cimilluca at [email protected] and Cara Lombardo at [email protected]

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