The number of roadside breath tests carried out on suspected drink drivers in 2020 fell to their lowest level since records began, with just over 250,000 samples taken by police, new Home Office figures confirm.

While a fall in tests last year was an almost certainty with such a dramatic fall in traffic levels due to the pandemic – especially during lockdowns – there was a shocking rise in the proportion of motorists found to be over the legal alcohol limit.

More than one in six motorists tested provided positive samples, which is the highest proportion recorded since 2003 and suggests a rising rate of drink driving.

Rise in positive drink drive samples: A massive 17% of motorists providing breath samples in 2020 were either over the legal alcohol limit or refused to take a test

Rise in positive drink drive samples: A massive 17% of motorists providing breath samples in 2020 were either over the legal alcohol limit or refused to take a test

Rise in positive drink drive samples: A massive 17% of motorists providing breath samples in 2020 were either over the legal alcohol limit or refused to take a test

The number of breath tests carried out on suspected drink drivers in 2020 was the lowest since records began

The number of breath tests carried out on suspected drink drivers in 2020 was the lowest since records began

The number of breath tests carried out on suspected drink drivers in 2020 was the lowest since records began

Home Office data published this morning confirmed that in 2020 just 252,069 motorists were breathalysed by police – an 18 per cent fall compared with 2019.

The month with the lowest number of tests taken was – unsurprisingly – April, when the nation was first plunged into lockdown. 

Just over 1,000 samples were taken in England and Wales that month, a fall of 49 per cent year-on-year.

Despite travel restrictions being put in place in December – especially ‘tier 4’ rules for London, the South East and parts of the East Midlands from 19 December – more than three times as many samples were taken than in April.

That said, the lowest percentage of positive samples were recorded in the final month of the year – around one in ten drivers the police stopped and tested. 

While a fall in tests was widely expected, the decline continued the downward trend in the number of motorists being breathalysed at the roadside since the peak of 703,490 in 2009. 

Yet, in light of the slump in volume of tests administered by officers, a massive 17.2 per cent were found to be over the limit or a driver refused to provide a sample – the highest proportion for 17 years.

Experts said both the decline in tests and rise in positive samples was a result of fewer bobbies on the beat

Experts said both the decline in tests and rise in positive samples was a result of fewer bobbies on the beat

Experts said both the decline in tests and rise in positive samples was a result of fewer bobbies on the beat

Despite the slump in volume of tests administered by officers in 2020, it saw the highest proportion of positive or refused samples since 2003

Despite the slump in volume of tests administered by officers in 2020, it saw the highest proportion of positive or refused samples since 2003

Despite the slump in volume of tests administered by officers in 2020, it saw the highest proportion of positive or refused samples since 2003

Experts said both the decline in tests and rise in positive samples was a result of fewer traffic bobbies on the beat, meaning fewer roadside checks can be made and motorists are likely more willing to risk breaking the law with the belief that there are fewer officers to catch them. 

Hunter Abbott, managing director of personal breathalyser firm AlcoSense, said: ‘Separate Home Office figures show the number of dedicated roads policing officers in England and Wales had dropped to 3,850 by March 2021 compared with 5,220 in 2015 – a dramatic reduction of 26 per cent.

‘With ever fewer traffic police, testing will continue to spiral downwards.

‘Studies show people drinking more alcohol since Covid struck, particularly at home – so roadside tests should actually be stepped up given the danger of morning-after driving with alcohol still in your system.’

The month with the lowest number of tests taken was - unsurprisingly - April, when the nation was first plunged into lockdown

The month with the lowest number of tests taken was - unsurprisingly - April, when the nation was first plunged into lockdown

The month with the lowest number of tests taken was – unsurprisingly – April, when the nation was first plunged into lockdown

While the most roadside tests were administered in December, it saw the lowest positive or refused samples taken - around one in ten tested

While the most roadside tests were administered in December, it saw the lowest positive or refused samples taken - around one in ten tested

While the most roadside tests were administered in December, it saw the lowest positive or refused samples taken – around one in ten tested 

A recent report by Public Health England highlighted a 25 per cent increase in alcohol sales in shops and supermarkets between 2020 and 2019, suggesting a steep rise in heavy drinking at home.

It comes as the number of people killed or seriously injured due to drink driving on Britain’s roads is on the increase, according to the latest Department for Transport figures published earlier this year.

The number of drink-drive casualties in 2019 was 2,050 – an increase of 8 per cent on 2018 and the highest level since 2011. Of these, 230 fatalities where a cause of the motorist being over the drink drive limit.

‘Even with 0.05 milligrams per litre of alcohol in breath (one-seventh of the English/Welsh limit) a driver is 37 per cent more likely to be involved in a fatal accident than when sober,’ Abbott said.

‘If in any doubt, drivers should self-test with a personal breathalyser to ensure they’re completely clear of alcohol before getting behind the wheel,’ he said. 

This Department for Transport chart maps fatalities in reported drink-drive accidents in Britain from 2009 to 2019

This Department for Transport chart maps fatalities in reported drink-drive accidents in Britain from 2009 to 2019

This Department for Transport chart maps fatalities in reported drink-drive accidents in Britain from 2009 to 2019

Fatalities in reported drink-drive accidents, as a percentage of all fatalities from 1979 to 2019

Fatalities in reported drink-drive accidents, as a percentage of all fatalities from 1979 to 2019

Fatalities in reported drink-drive accidents, as a percentage of all fatalities from 1979 to 2019

The stats released by the Home Office on Tuesday also showed that speeding offences reduce by 12.9 per cent when compared to the year previous, though careless driving fines increased by a fifth (19.6 per cent).

The number of drivers penalised for using a hand-held mobile phone whilst driving reduced by two fifths (39 per cent) and neglect of traffic signs dropped by a fifth (22.4 per cent).

While most offences dropped, tickets for people not wearing a seat belt increased by 17.4 per cent and licence related offences grew by 10.3 per cent.

Should the drink drive limit be lowered?  

The RAC earlier this year called for government intervention to curb the rise in drink drive-related casualties recorded in 2019.

This includes a review of the existing drink-drive limit. 

‘The UK Government should consider all options, including increasing enforcement at the roadside, the use of alco-locks for those already convicted of driving under the influence and even looking at the merits of reducing the drink-drive limit in England and Wales to bring it in line with most other European countries,’ RAC spokesman Simon Williams told This is Money in February. 

Rise in drink-drive crashes on Britain's roads: There has been a 3% annual increase in the number of shunts involving intoxicated motorists, says the Department for Transport

Rise in drink-drive crashes on Britain's roads: There has been a 3% annual increase in the number of shunts involving intoxicated motorists, says the Department for Transport

Rise in drink-drive crashes on Britain’s roads: There has been a 3% annual increase in the number of shunts involving intoxicated motorists, says the Department for Transport

Government guidelines state that the limit in England, Wales and Northern Ireland is 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood, 35 micrograms per 100 millilitres of breath or 107 milligrams per 100 millilitres of urine.

In Scotland, the limits is lower: 22 micrograms in breath and 50 milligrams in 100ml of blood.

The drink-drive limit in Scotland was reduced lower than the rest of the UK in 2014 and stricter rules mean that one drink is likely to push a driver over the legal threshold. 

Last year, the AA gave its support for the introduction of new rules that would see young novice drivers facing stricter drink drive limits than other motorists.

At a hearing of the Transport Select Committee in October, it called for a zero-tolerance limit for drivers in the first months after passing their driving test.

It demanded a combination of measures – including increased use of telematics insurance – and ‘robust enforcement’ to cut the number of accidents on Britain’s roads involving young motorists.

The RAC’s suggestion of introducing ‘alco-locks’, which are installed in cars driven by previous offenders, has also been suggested previously.

'Alcolocks', which force previously-convicted drink drivers to pass a breath test before they drive, should be considered, says the RAC

'Alcolocks', which force previously-convicted drink drivers to pass a breath test before they drive, should be considered, says the RAC

‘Alcolocks’, which force previously-convicted drink drivers to pass a breath test before they drive, should be considered, says the RAC

The devices – known more formally as alcohol ignition interlocks – are systems which test drivers for alcohol in their breath before they are allowed to drive.

They work in the same way as conventional breathalysers, in that they test to amount of alcohol in the sample of breath provided.

When fitted to a car, the driver is required to blow into the kit before the engine can start.

The systems vary, with some locking out the ignition for up to 24 hours if the user has alcohol in their breath.

If the measurement taken is over the limit, the system immobilises the vehicle’s engine, meaning the driver won’t be able to use the car until they blow below the limit. 


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