Australia have a perfect winning record in day-night Tests at the Adelaide Oval but Hazlewood’s absence will hurt the hosts

Touchdown in South Australia was probably a relief for England’s cricketers, no doubt glad to see the back of Queensland after their soggy buildup was followed by defeat at the Gabba. Before landing, those with a window seat also got a glorious view of the Adelaide Oval, scene of this week’s second Test.

From above it is hard to miss a ground that is three parts modern mega-stadium to one part grass bank and sits nestled in the parkland north of Adelaide’s city centre. Where once there were sloped terracotta roofs, three giant stands with bulbous white canopies now horseshoe around the outfield like a huge comfy armchair almost ready for the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man to slump into after a long day terrorising the public.

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