Millions of Apple customers in the UK have been overcharged by the tech giant and should share in up to £1.5billion of compensation, the High Court will hear this week. 

The case claims that Apple has broken competition law by charging eye-watering commission on purchases made on its App Store. Apple strongly disputes the claim. 

If the case is successful, the claimants believe nearly 20million Apple users in the UK could be in line for compensation. Google is being targeted with a similar action, where damages of up to £920million are being sought on behalf of 19.5million Android phone users in the UK. 

Battling giants: The fees are levied in games such as Fortnite when players make in-app purchases

Battling giants: The fees are levied in games such as Fortnite when players make in-app purchases

Battling giants: The fees are levied in games such as Fortnite when players make in-app purchases

What is it claimed that Apple and Google have done wrong? 

When someone buys an app or makes a purchase within an app using an iPhone or iPad, Apple takes commission of up to 30 per cent. Google takes the same cut from Android users for purchases via its app store. The commission is paid by the app developers, but inevitably this charge will be passed on to customers in higher prices. 

The claimants say the profits this generates for the tech giants are ‘unlawfully excessive’. They also allege that Apple and Google deliberately shut out any competition by requiring users to pay through the tech giants’ own payment systems.

What does this mean for Apple and Google users? 

Most customers do not realise they are in effect paying huge commissions. But claimants say Apple and Android users have no alternative so Apple and Google can effectively charge what they like. They say users struggle to shop around for a cheaper price. 

Some users may have effectively handed over only a few pence in commission payments, others thousands of pounds. If compensation is paid out, it will be distributed accordingly. 

Commission is only paid on digital purchases, as in games or for paid-for content, not goods, such as food purchases or online deliveries.

Who is bringing the case this week? 

The case has been filed with the UK Competition Appeal Tribunal and the first hearing is at the High Court this Tuesday. King’s College London digital-economy lecturer Dr Rachael Kent is taking the case to the tribunal, but she plans to represent anyone who has bought an app or made an in-app purchase on an iPad or iPhone from the App Store since October 2015. The case is opt out rather than opt in, so customers do not have to do anything to receive compensation if it is paid.

Isn’t this an expensive case for a university lecturer? 

Dr Kent is making the claim, but she is being represented by Hausfeld & Co, a law firm with expertise in this area. Commercial litigation funder Vannin Capital is financing the claim. 

Dr Kent has spent her career focusing on how consumers interact with digital platforms and apps and how they affect society. 

Former Citizens Advice expert Liz Coll is behind the Google claim, with the same backing.

When will we know the outcome? 

It could be years – if the cases go ahead, that is. The first hurdle this week is for Dr Kent to be approved by the Competition Appeal Tribunal as a representative for all affected Apple users. 

Why are the authorities not taking this on? 

The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority is separately investigating Apple’s charging policies. 

Elsewhere, the EU Competition Commissioner has imposed heavy fines on Google, while South Korea has passed legislation forcing Apple and Google to open their phones to competition from cheaper app store providers. 

In the US, President Biden has appointed Lina Khan to lead the Federal Trade Commission. She is known for her opposition to the power of large tech companies.

What do Apple and Google have to say? 

Apple says: ‘We believe this law suit is meritless and welcome the opportunity to discuss with the court our unwavering commitment to consumers and the many benefits the App Store has delivered to the UK’s innovation economy.’ 

This year, Apple cut the commission fee for app developers who earn less than $1million (£750,000) a year in sales through the store from 30 per cent to 15 per cent. 

Apple also said 84 per cent of apps on its App Store were free, so developers paid nothing, and the commission it takes is ‘very much in the mainstream of those charged by all other digital marketplaces’. Google said it competed ‘vigorously and fairly’ for developers and consumers, and that its fees were ‘comparable to our competitors’. 

VINCE CABLE: An abuse of power that reaps billions for tech giants 

This week, a High Court judge will hear the first arguments in a case that could have momentous consequences for Apple, Google and tens of millions of British smartphone users. 

At stake is the way in which both tech giants misuse their so-called gatekeeper status to charge phone users a fortune in commission every time they make purchases of digital assets on apps. 

What do I mean by digital purchases? Simply put, services such as Tinder, the dating app, or popular video games, such as Fortnite. Many people don’t know that when they buy credits or pay subscription fees to these apps, 15 to 30 per cent is going straight into the pockets of Apple or Google. 

Now legal actions have been launched arguing that this tech tax is unjustified, and demanding the Silicon Valley giants reimburse UK consumers to the tune of billions. 

People of my vintage don’t spend much time playing Fortnite. Even so, I hope these cases succeed. If you want to know how popular such games are in younger generations, look at the financial figures. Spurred by lockdowns, revenues from video gaming rose to a global total of $180billion (£136billion) last year, according to industry data – almost double the revenues earned by the global film industry before the pandemic began. 

Apps selling digital services are becoming an integral part of millions of people’s lives. Yet Apple and Google seem to think they are entitled to charge us a 30 per cent rent for what many consider essential activities. At the same time, both set up their phones to make it hard for users to access alternative platforms and for developers to offer much better deals. On iPhones and iPads it is not possible to pay for many app services except via the company’s own App Store payment system. 

On Android phones, Google’s Play Store is pre-installed with other Google products. The profits they are making at our expense are vast. Neither discloses exactly how much they rake in from their app stores, but an inquiry by the US Congress last year estimated that Apple’s annual global revenue from this source was at least $15billion a year. But its cost for running the platform is an estimated $100million. 

The App Store and Google’s Play Store may be smart, easy and convenient services. But anyone can see that a 15,000 per cent profit margin is exorbitant. Common sense suggests that we are dealing with an abuse of monopoly power. Many lawyers will tell you it is a flagrant breach of competition law.

Back to this week’s court case. The court will no doubt hear arguments from Apple’s well-paid legal team about why the test case filed against it on behalf of 20million UK iPhone users should not be allowed to proceed. Google is being sued separately, but faces essentially the same allegation – that it has ripped off millions of customers by abusing its dominant position. 

Both lawsuits might take years to work through the courts, so Tuesday’s hearing is just the start. 

Collective claims of this kind are relatively new and untested, but they are worth pursuing, for the sake of UK consumers. Some governments and regulators around the world are starting to take on the Silicon Valley giants. 

Some day soon, Google and Apple might even face the sort of fierce action from US competition regulators that brought down Standard Oil or the railroad monopolies in earlier eras. Until that time comes, though, we citizens have to use whatever meagre resources are available to protect our rights. 

We should all hope that Tuesday’s case clears whatever hurdles Apple throws in its path. 


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