Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

I’m sure many entrepreneurs out there have a special attitude toward the process of hiring new additions to the team.

On the one hand, it can be quite exciting sorting through and who show dedication and eagerness to enter the company. On the other hand, the interviewing part can sometimes be quite challenging and overwhelming. We all want to meet the best addition to our team, but we also know how troublesome and time-consuming this whole process can be.

While there are many aspects to job interviews, let’s focus on a key one: how to recognize the perfect candidate during the interviewing process. But first, let’s take a step back and take a look at the whole picture.

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The hiring process is a sure sign of our company skyrocketing

At a first glance, the hiring process can seem quite frightening and intimidating. Questions like, “Will I be able to find a suitable candidate?” or “Will I manage to represent the company in the best way possible?” are not unfamiliar to anyone who has initialized an interview at some point during their career.

Many companies prefer leaving this job entirely up to the HR teams, while some CEOs insist on participating firsthand. In either case, conducting a hiring process simply means your company is growing and further developing which, of course, leads to the increased need of adding extra professionals to the team.

Even if an employee has decided to leave and you have to find them a replacement, this could also be observed as an opportunity to find an even better candidate for the specific job. Any business owner out there knows that a key feature of a successful company is its employees enjoying what they do for a living.

Yet, interviews can indeed be far from the smooth sailing we’ve expected. Communicating with people, in general, requires lots of people skills. When we are interviewing someone for a job position in our company, this requirement suddenly doubles.

From sorting through various candidates’ applications to the very process of inviting them for a meeting, an interview can be quite an overwhelming experience, especially if the right candidate is nowhere to be seen.

But there is always a silver lining — the right candidate will in fact emerge in front of the interviewer. Then it’s essential for the HR/CEO to adequately represent the company, describe the position in detail and communicate with the candidate in a way that would leave both parties satisfied and eager to continue at the end of the conversation.

Luckily, the best candidates usually show tell-tale signs during the interview that they are the right choice for the position in question. Let’s discuss six of them.

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1. They seem passionate about their future professional development

A good candidate is someone who is willing to perform outstandingly in return for a good profit and a chance to climb the professional ladder. The best candidate, in addition to all this, would be genuinely passionate about them actually making a step further in their professional careers. If you are interviewing someone who expresses eagerness and readiness to develop and grow (and chooses to do so in your company), then surely you’ve met a potentially great candidate who would likely show proactivity.

2. They express interest in your company’s story and mission

As we all know, an interview is a two-way street. HR asks all the questions needed in order to get to know the candidate’s character and expertise better. It would be equally as productive if the candidate did so as well. Asking questions about the company or showing knowledge regarding the subject thanks to is a great sign the candidate is serious about getting hired.

3. They express interest in topics outside of work-related subjects

If a candidate has a strong presence when it comes to dedicating their spare time to hobbies, this is a sign they would likely deal with work-induced pressure in a good manner. is crucial for anyone’s well-being in and outside of work and having hobbies is a great way to let the steam off.

Related: Want to Increase Your Brain Power, Decrease Your Stress and Make More Money? Get a Hobby.

4. They appear to have a ready-to-go plan for improving the work process

When during an interview both parties discuss some of the job’s specifications, usually the interviewer asks for opinions regarding a hypothetical situation. If the candidate offers smart solutions and fruitful ideas, this can be a definite sign they will quickly become a strong part of the team at the office.

5. They avoid cliches when answering questions

There are certain questions that are just imprinted in any interviewing process. There are also certain answers that pretty much anyone chooses when communicating. This may be a sign of a lack of self- or a superficial attitude toward the job. On the other hand, if the candidate provides unique and interesting answers, this is usually a tell-tale sign you are dealing with an honest and self-assured individual.

6. They seem content with who they are and the way they position themselves in society

Someone with a healthy mindset and self-confidence is definitely capable of offering impeccable work and attitude at the office. Search for someone who knows who they are and where their values stand.

The interviewing process can be challenging until the moment a perfect candidate shows up. Usually, those are the moments when the interviewer just knows they’ve found the addition to the team the company needs. By being well aware of the people in front of us, all entrepreneurs can be sure not to miss their company’s next star employee.

This article is from Entrepreneur.com

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